Technology to Regain Ability to Move Muscles

Our exercise devices train your brain
To gain back ability to move arms and legs

Our Devices

Robotic exercises devices
of hip, ankle, knee and wrist for neurological disorders (cerebral palsy, stroke & MS)

Three types of exercises are performed with our robotic wrist, ankle, hips and knee exercise devices:

  • Passive exercises
  • Active exercises
  • Resistance exercises

Passive exercises
It is applied to those who have loss of movement or contraction (spasticity) in the relevant area (wrist, arm, leg, ankle, elbow, etc).
This situation occurs more often in cases of brain damage (e.g. cerebral palsy, stroke).
Passive movements are performed very slowly and for a long time.
Passive exercises are also applied to individuals with limited mobility after fracture.

  • Arm brain signal female rehab device tool robotic
  • Woman female arm brain signal train muscle rehab tool robotic
signal arm hand to brain female lady rehab
Our Products

What We Offer

Please find our products below. We produce robotic sports and muscle exercise devices for wrist, ankle, arms, legs, hips and knees:

Hip Flexion-Extension (pull-push)
ankle Dorsiflexion-Plantarflexion (pull-push)
Knee flexion-extension (twist-push)
Ankle Dorsiflexion-Plantarflexion (ankle pull-push)
Wrist Flexion - Extension (wrist lowering - raising)
why choose us

Great Reasons Make You Choose Us

We are Robofizz. Our mission is to produce robotic devices and machines to train the muscles to get stronger hands, arms and legs. They can also help individuals who have movement limitations in the legs and wrist. Here are the advantages of Robofizz devices:

  • Providing Effective Results
  • Easy To Use And Understand
  • Portability
  • Free Exercise Support With Our Experienced Consultants
  • Regular Software Updates
  • Quick Service Support
  • Robofizz Exercise Devices Are Affordable For Families
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